The Hidden Risks of Teeth Whitening and Tooth Extraction



Teeth whitening and tooth extraction may seem like two very different procedures, but there are several hidden risks associated with each one. In fact, anyone who has undergone either teeth whitening or tooth extraction in the Houston area should be made aware of the following risks so they can make informed decisions about their care.

Common risks of teeth whitening

The big benefit of having teeth whitened is that it can make your smile brighter, more attractive, and more confident. Of course, there are some risks involved with getting teeth whitened, such as sensitivity to hot or cold foods. However, these side effects tend to fade within a few days after having teeth whitened. On a larger scale, you could face problems such as thinning tooth enamel or even exposure of dentin if you’re not careful during your teeth-whitening procedure. And beyond even that? You could also experience bacterial infections in your gums if they aren’t properly treated before or after tooth extraction.

How much time until my gums heal after a tooth extraction?

It depends on many factors, including your overall health, how healthy your gums are to begin with, whether or not you use a non-prescription mouthwash after teeth are pulled and how careful you are about caring for your teeth. It is important to keep in mind that normal doesn’t always mean you should feel normal. A tooth extraction is no small matter – it involves cutting through bone – so if you have trouble biting down after an extraction, talk to your dentist right away. Your dentist will perform a physical exam and take X-rays to determine what could be causing any problems.

Can I drink alcohol after getting my wisdom teeth pulled out?

If you’re wondering whether or not it’s safe to drink alcohol after getting your wisdom teeth pulled out, rest assured—you can! But just because you can doesn’t mean you should. Getting your wisdom teeth pulled does involve taking painkillers such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen for a few days after, which isn’t ideal if you want to drink beer or wine. Also, since dental surgery tends to leave you with a dry mouth (which means your mouth needs more saliva to stay lubricated), it’s best not to combine dry mouth with alcohol while your oral area is still healing.

4 Ways To Manage Post Wisdom Teeth Pain Before It Starts

After your wisdom teeth are removed, there’s a chance you may experience some pain or discomfort. The majority of wisdom tooth pain is due to swelling that occurs post-procedure, but there are other factors that can make recovery more difficult. Some people end up needing oral surgery because they neglected their oral health before getting wisdom teeth pulled. Here are some things you can do to manage post-extraction pain to reduce your chances of suffering: Drink Plenty Of Fluids: As a general rule, it’s important to consume plenty of fluids after having an oral procedure done.

Common wisdom teeth complications

While teeth whitening has become a more common procedure in recent years, it still carries some risks. If you’re thinking about whitening your teeth, be sure to talk to your dentist about all of the potential complications associated with anesthesia. Though not typically life-threatening, some risks include: sore throat, swelling in or around your gums and other surrounding tissues, bleeding from your gum line and damage to nearby nerves. You may even experience tingling or a loss of sensation along one side of your face after surgery—symptoms that can last up to three months post-procedure. To minimize these risks as much as possible, make sure you follow post-surgery instructions carefully—and always ask questions if something seems off.

5 Common Postsurgical Complications After Wisdom Teeth Removal

Wisdom teeth are normally removed in order to prevent serious future health problems such as impacted wisdom teeth. Removal can be carried out in a hospital, clinic or dentist’s office. Although patients usually experience no serious complications after wisdom teeth removal, there are some risks that patients should be aware of in case they occur. 5 Common Postsurgical Complications After Wisdom Teeth Removal: Wisdom teeth are normally removed in order to prevent serious future health problems such as impacted wisdom teeth. Removal can be carried out in a hospital, clinic or dentist’s office. Although patients usually experience no serious complications after wisdom teeth removal, there are some risks that patients should be aware of in case they occur. The most common postsurgical complication is severe pain after dental surgery.

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