How well does teeth whitening do by the dentist work?



It’s no secret that whiter teeth are more attractive than their less-than-perfect counterparts. Whether you have naturally yellow or stained teeth, there’s no shame in wanting to improve their color and appearance. If you have some extra time and don’t mind laying out some cash, there are plenty of options for getting whiter teeth done at the dentist’s office. But how well does it work?

How Teeth Whitening Works

Teeth whitening is a common procedure that can be done at a dentist’s office. It can remove plaque, make your smile brighter, and remove stains that have accumulated over time. However, there are also some great home remedies such as apple cider vinegar and hydrogen peroxide which have been proven to have similar results as teeth whiteners near me. You just brush or rinse with it regularly. If you would like to try this out first without making any extra trips to the store, it may not be too much of an inconvenience to use both!

Teeth Whitening at Home Vs. The Dentist

It all depends on what you’re looking for in a teeth-whitening option. We do have teeth bleaching near me, but people often worry about sensitivity or whether it will fade as soon as they brush their teeth again. Do you want that type of teeth-whitening treatment? If not, your best bet is to go to the dentist. This way you can get professional-level bleaching done while knowing that they’ll last longer because they’re certified. Plus, with dental whiteners, it’s less painful and there’s no need for a special light or any other device besides mouth trays.

What Does Home Teeth Whitening Involve?

There are many ways to whiten your teeth. You can do it at home with an over-the-counter product, or you can go to a dentist for professional help. Dentists use one of two methods when they want to make your teeth whiter: in-office bleaching or take-home bleaching. In-office bleaching involves having a dental professional apply a mouth guard that’s been soaked with bleach, and then wear it for about an hour. Take-home bleaching is more affordable but takes more time because you have to make separate trips back to the office. However, both types of treatments have their advantages and disadvantages.

Do At-Home Kits Work Well?

At-home kits have been becoming more and more popular as people want an alternative to going to the dentist. The problem with them is they are nowhere near as effective as professional treatments. For instance, at-home kits cannot get close enough to your gums where stains build-up, while a dentist can. Though they may not be as effective, it’s still worth getting a kit if you’re going to be wearing white shirts or speaking in front of audiences often.

What Makes Teeth Whiteners Work Best?

Teeth-whitening products work to remove stains on teeth caused by smoking, drinking coffee or tea, and eating certain fruits and vegetables like carrots and beets that can have natural colors that stain your teeth, as well as age spots. The active ingredient in most of these is hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide. Since tooth enamel isn’t porous like a sponge, the best way to apply bleach is to brush it on. Fluoride toothpaste also has ingredients that are meant to help strengthen enamel and make it more resistant to staining.

Are There Any Risks or Side Effects from Tooth Whiteners?

Teeth whitening is a simple procedure that can be performed in your dentist’s office. A gel called carbamide peroxide is applied to your teeth, and light is activated with blue LED lights. The gel reacts to the light and turns into oxygen which breaks down stains on your teeth. The procedure can take anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour depending on how much time you want to spend at the office. There are two ways that you can go about getting this done: in-office or at-home kits. In-office procedures will cost a lot more than at-home kits, but they are also more convenient as they require less effort on your part and don’t require traveling anywhere.

So, Is Teeth Whitening Done by Your Dentist Better than At-Home Treatments?

Teeth whitening can be a long, expensive process. If you’re looking for more immediate results and you have a little bit of time on your hands, try an at-home treatment like Crest White Strips or Colgate Optic White. If you don’t have time to wait and are willing to spend a lot of money, it’s best to go straight to your dentist and get professional help.

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